Oh dear, the day has barely dawned, and rain drops are already running down the window pane!
A truly rainy day is looming, and your plans for an excursion go down the drain. We have all experienced such moments, so it’s good to have a few ideas ready that don’t give boredom a chance.

Time for the tub!
The bathtub has already saved us from a few boring afternoons! It is especially fun when you include a surprise game: put plastic animals into an empty balloon, fill it with water and tie a knot. Take the “enchanted ice eggs” out of the freezer a few hours later and watch them slowly melt in the bath water. Have fun guessing which animal is inside!
Painting pictures on windows
Paint beautiful, funny or very creative pictures on glass with the help of chalk markers or children’s pens that are suitable for glass (Stabilo Woodys). Follow the path of rain drops or draw an umbrella. Paint the sun or a colourful rainbow. No matter what the motif, the children are guaranteed to have loads of fun, and you can quickly clean off the marks the little ones leave by using conventional glass cleaner.

Children like hands-on activities: plasticine, salt dough and modelling clay are perfect. If you like making permanent objects or even painting your works of art, you can make so-called “cold porcelain” with the help of only 3 ingredients:
- 125g of baking soda
- 60g of starch
- 85g of water
Heat the ingredients in a small pot on a low flame while stirring constantly. As soon as the mixture becomes solid, remove from it the stove and let it cool down completely.
Roll out the porcelain on a surface sprinkled with starch and cut it out as desired or process it into other objects.
It will take about 2 to 3 days to dry.
Puddle hopping
You’ll want at least a short breath of fresh air even on rainy days: so don your rubber boots and rain trousers and hit the puddles! Take along a paper boat and watch it. Where does it sail by itself? Where does it sail when you blow it?
The cup of hot chocolate tastes especially good when all the cheeks are ruddy afterwards!

Children love to dress up. Rainy days are perfect for a small play or a circus performance. While the children prepare the programme, popcorn is prepared in the kitchen, and the tickets are quickly cut out of coloured paper. It’s always a blast to see how creative the children are – in the end, everyone is enthusiastic, and the kids are delighted by the generous applause!