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Monday - Friday
13:00 to 19:30
09:00 to 18:00
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Crafting with PlayMais

PlayMais® is a natural toy for handicrafts that is 100% biodegradable and does not pollute the environment. It is produced with corn semolina and water and coloured with food colouring.


  • PlayMais® only sticks by moistening with water
  • PlayMais® can be easily shaped with the fingers
  • PlayMais® promotes motor skills
  • PlayMais® promotes creativity
  • PlayMais® promotes child development
  • PlayMais® is educationally valuable
  • PlayMais® is a natural product and protects the environment
  • PlayMais® is simply fun


Despite international trends, PlayMais® is developed and produced in Germany. If you look at the toy market, this isn’t the norm. PlayMais® – Round in the cycle of nature and in the entire value chain. In addition, the environmental friendliness of PlayMais® is not just theory and sets new standards in the intelligent use of our natural resources.

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